Walk through of Kasia Fudakowski's 'In The State Of Decision' at Gaa Gallery with Mati Gibbs

This is the full transcription of our recently published reel and walkthrough on our Instagram feeds.

My name is Mati Gibbs, I recently joined Gaa as a Director for our Tribeca space. We are currently presenting a solo exhibition of work by Kasia Fudakowski titled In The State Of Decision, which runs through October 19th.

The exhibition itself revolves around the idea of decision-making – a concept and a privilege that often is taken for granted in this day and age.

As you enter the space, you are confronted with two digitally-printed hanging organza banners reiterating the exhibition's title, as well as an anthropomorphic motif which permeates throughout the show. The title itself softly alludes to global political climates and the election cycle currently dominating American lives. Fudakowski aims to bring this very public topic to a more personal level by inviting the viewer to interact directly with the works themselves.

The first invitation to interact with the exhibition comes in the form of a light switch, which either illuminates or darkens the exhibition space, inherently impacting and changing the viewing experience for any individuals also in the gallery.

The suspended sculptures bring the two-dimensional anthropomorphic motif into the three-dimensional space. These hand-blown glass heads encased in laser-cut steel underscore the fragility and inflatability of the human ego. The variations of color within the glass are meant to exist somewhere between that of a blush and a bruise, once again emphasizing the intimate connection between the viewer and the work, as well as the concept of the general becoming extremely personal.

Human intervention becomes essential with the three-dimensional wall-sculptures, which often rotate and undulate on single or double pendulums. These works are an embodiment of humankind's ever-changing relationship with notions of power and control – one has the control over the decision to initiate the movement; however, control is immediately surrendered by making such a choice, as the double pendulum mechanism suddenly spawns chaos and disorder.

Fudakowski's work necessitates the viewer to evolve into an active participant, urging each individual to assume the responsibilities of making important decisions and addressing difficult issues, on both the personal level and within the larger community sphere.

Stop by Gaa at 4 Cortlandt Alley to view Kasia Fudakowski | In The State Of Decision through October 19th.