Earlier this month, The Met opened a first-of-its-kind period room inspired by domestic spaces of community members, predominantly African Americans who once lived in Seneca Village. Titled after Virginia Hamilton's legendary retellings of the Flying African tale Before Yesterday We Could...
Each month, Art Master puts together a list of must-see shows and exhibitions opening around town. October welcomes new kids on the block; the recently opened Calderon Ruiz Gallery to Performa's iconic biennial, taking place outdoors and accessible to all. Fill your October festivities with art.
...Climate Week in New York brings together core initiatives to advocate for a healthier world and climate change, and actively, the art world is participating.
Arriving at a no better time, opera-performance "Sun & Sea"...
On View at New Museum, WONG PING: YOUR SILENT NEIGHBOR through October 3, 2021
While most museums hold a reputation of having some of the world's greatest art collections, New York...
The art world has slowly begun to acknowledge the vital roles that BIPOC artists play in society, while more equitable spaces become available to generate new conversations. Artists like Victor “Marka27'' Quiñonez, a BIPOC act...
Anthony Padilla's paintings are the perfect combination between abstraction, surrealism, and realism blended with an explosion of colors, detailed figures, and shapes that...
Subject Matters: Black Feminist Visions, on view online at Artsy explores the representation of the Black femme bodies with an important question a...
Virtual experiences have now, more than ever, become the normal way of connecting with visual arts and culture whether that's through virtual studio visits to gallery viewing rooms. It's a good thing that artist and performer Cae Monae has already b...
Brooklyn has become an electric hotspot for seasoned and novice ceramicists alike, with pottery studios continuing to crop up in several neighborhoods across the borough. This abundance has led multidisciplinary artist Ethan Streicher into the world of clay somewhat by chance. Spending the p...